Have your say on safer speeds in Auckland

Feedback on safer speeds for Auckland closes tomorrow (Sun 31 March) so have your say now.

Too many people are killed or injured on our roads - 749 seriously hurt and 64 killed in 2017 is far too many. We need to improve the road design, driver behaviours and increase enforcement but we also need to set realistic speeds.


Our city has grown significantly and there are places where the current speed limits are not appropriate anymore. It's essential that we review and adjust them to make people safe.

Reductions in speed make a massive difference - someone hit at 50km/hr has a 80% chance of being killed while someone hit at 30km/hr has an 90% chance of survival (although still injured).


There are a few ways to submit feedback - online form, detailed map or contacting AT directly. Providing your thoughts is important, this affects us all. Even just showing support (or expressing concerns) is helpful. Get your feedback in today!