It's time for change

I am proud to announce that I intend to stand for Auckland Council for my local ward of Howick. I'm standing again as a true independent and it would be an honour and a privilege to serve as East Auckland's representative on council.

This is not the first time I've put my hand up for this role and I was humbled by the support I received when I stood in 2018 and 2019. 

In the three years since, I’ve been working full time in a senior business performance and improvement role for AsureQuality, a large NZ-owned commercial organisation. I've also used this time to deepen my understanding of governance through professional development and practical experience for commercial and not-for-profit organisations.

Living in the heart of Botany, I've enjoyed everything that East Auckland has to offer. It's been a pleasure to volunteer alongside other passionate locals to make our community safer, promote local tourism and provide opportunities for local youth.

During this time, I’ve spoken to countless residents, business owners and community leaders who are frustrated with the lack of vision, progress and accountability that is holding our city back. The same issues that were impacting Auckland three years ago remain unaddressed - transport poverty, housing inequality, inadequate climate action, wasteful spending and poor communication.

I've also seen Council do good and I know there are some amazing people working within the organisations, but they're being let down by poor leadership from the top.

Our city deserves a more ambitious, disciplined and diverse council. Significant change is happening across Auckland, and we need leadership that can manage and drive the transformation council so desperately needs.

The first decade of the super city has been marred by financial mismanagement, vanity projects and wasted opportunities. We have the chance to ensure that the next ten years unlocks the incredible potential that Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland has. 

I firmly believe that my skills in business improvement, combined with my governance experience and passion for my community is what is needed to move our city forward. 

Doing the same thing and expecting a different result will only end in disappointment. It's time for change.