Auckland Transport $37B plan nothing to celebrate

Auckland Transport $37B plan nothing to celebrate

On Monday 28 June, the Board of Auckland Transport approved their ten year plan known as the Auckland Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP). The plan comes with a hefty price tag of $37 Billion which on the face of it seems positive - Auckland has under invested in transport for far too long. However, there isn't much to celebrate.

Auckland Transport is increasing fares, yet again.

Auckland Transport is increasing fares, yet again.

In what feels like deja vu, Auckland Transport is yet again increasing the fares for public transport. From 7 February about half of all passengers will pay an average 35 cents more for each trip. In 2016 they reworked the fare structure and every year since then fares have gone up. Last year they blamed petrol prices and this year it's COVID19. The reality is that Auckland already has one of the most expensive public transport fares in the world and making it more expensive is only making our transport issues worse.

Council should be investing in the safety of our children

Council should be investing in the safety of our children

We've got our priorities wrong Auckland, keeping our kids safe should be at the top of the list. More students walking and cycling is better for congestion, the environment and children’s health. Instead our city gets distracted with half-baked ideas for waterfront stadiums. We need to focus on real priorities, cut the fluff and get on with it.

Absurd - public transport prices increase despite climate emergency

Absurd - public transport prices increase despite climate emergency

Putting up prices during a climate emergency is absurd. I appreciate that some of the restrictions come from parliament, with farebox recovery mandated but when will our leaders get serious about standing up for our city, our environment and our future?

Delays to Eastern Busway and Reeves Road flyover shows lack of governance

Delays to Eastern Busway and Reeves Road flyover shows lack of governance

I’m very disappointed to hear there is more delays to the Eastern Busway project. This transformational project will be great for East Auckland, but is taking too long to deliver.

We need to build safer roads for everyone. With urgency.

We need to build safer roads for everyone. With urgency.

There are too many near misses, serious injures and deaths on our roads. Children are scared to walk or cycle to school. This has to change - we need to build more physically separate cycle and walkways across Auckland now. As Emma McInnes says in this piece, with urgency.

Our environment needs action at all levels

Our environment needs action at all levels

There’s definitely an appetite to do more for the environment. Over the weekend we had a number of events focused on the environment with Howick holding its first Ecoday event on Saturday, followed by tree planting with Macleans College and then Bucklands Beach clean up on Sunday with the Howick Youth Council.

Building CRL is an investment in our future

Building CRL is an investment in our future

Getting the City Rail Link built is correctly a top priority for Auckland Council. It will transform transport across our city (even for non-train users). It’s expensive and the project costs have risen by $1B to $4.4B. Auckland Council was asked to cover half of it.