We've planted a million trees Auckland!

Three years ago the Mayor set a goal for Aucklanders to plant 1 million trees and we reached that target in the last few days .

It was a stunning day for tree planting in Mangemangeroa Reserve on Sunday 16 June when I joined Howick Youth Council who had organised tree planting with support from Friends of Mangemangeroa Reserve.

2019.06.16 Mangemangeroa planting 01.jpg

Plenty of young people turned up to volunteer as well as local board members John Spiller and Adele White. Mike Turinsky also arrived although wasn’t able to plant due to an injury.

Mangemangeroa looks incredible and there were plenty of stories about how people had contributed over the years. Over the years volunteers have planted over 100,000 natives and the progress is incredible. Great to see!