Eastern Busway Burswood diversion continues to divide

I popped into Eastern Busway community drop in session in Burswood this morning. Nice to see full size maps and talk with knowledgeable staff from Eastern Busway Alliance.

I'm still unconvinced about the Burswood diversion and it was good to get a bit more information on it. Apparently it avoids underground infrastructure, reduces the number of intersections and will be faster to build.

Not surprisingly, local feedback is pretty mixed, with the loudest opposition from those who are directly impacted.

I'd still prefer to see this regionally significant project get the priority it deserves, with but ultimately the decision sits with the Board of Auckland Transport who are due to make the decision later this month.

On a more positive note, there's been good progress on reducing the visual, social and environmental impacts of the Reeves Rd Flyover. By ensuring its integrated into Pakuranga Town Centre masterplan, it should help connect the space underneath into more useful space. Great to hear that Te Tuhi has been involved in the discussions.

The Eastern Busway will be game changer for East Auckland and I cannot wait to see it done. It will connect up with the Airport to Botany busway, providing yet another connection onto rail network, airport and beyond.

See more at the Auckland Transport website.